"Chowder", the Cartoon Network that shouldn't have been cancelled | Teen Ink

"Chowder", the Cartoon Network that shouldn't have been cancelled

June 5, 2024
By yexxii BRONZE, Sherman Oaks, California
yexxii BRONZE, Sherman Oaks, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a kid, I loved watching this show because of how funny I remembered it used to be and now I enjoy it a lot more. The popular cartoon Chowder is very humorous with the animations and the characters set in the show and is one cartoon people should watch for a funny series. The show is produced by Cartoon Network. The show first aired on November 2, 2007, and was sadly canceled on August 7, 2010. The show is so funny with the diverse set of characters and the roles they play in the cartoon. Mung Daal the head chef, Chowder his apprentice, Schnitzel Mung Daal's assistant, Truffles Mung Daal's wife, and many other characters in the show. The show revolves around chowder and what unhinged things will happen, each episode is a surprise with how crazy things will get. The formula of them is Mung Daal needs Chowder to make a dish but because of Chowder and his scatterbrain, he will always end up doing something that risks how the dish turns out. In the episode Burple Nurples, Chowder almost sells rat poison burble nurples and Mung Daal makes it a mission to stop Chowder sell them. The show is very quirky. Although the episode seems very direct but because of how creative the animators made the show and how over the top the writing is, it makes the show overall funnier. 

 The animation style is very unique, something small about the style thats unique is the patterns that most of the characters have in the cartoon. Rather than the pattern being one with apparel they have all the drawings layered over patterns. So when a character moves around, the patterns dont move at all and its the drawing thats moving, its uncovering more of the pattern. "Chowder" and he himself, does a great job having a fourth wall break, I feel that no other shows do it as well as Chowder. The fourth wall breaks start kind of small at first. In an episode, Chowder draws on the screen when Gazpacho a fruit stand salesman in the city gets mad at Chowder and has the use glass spray to get it off. After some time though the show really takes advantage of how quirky it can be. They will also go in between different styles. Sometimes they use claymation, theres a red stop-motion monster named Kiwi who will speak to the watcher and its usually a few seconds transition to him then back to the scene. Everything is written perfectly so it isnt too hectic not to understand what exactly is happening in the story but perfectly balanced to still be chaotic. 

Chowder was amazing and different for the time. This show knew what it was doing with the humor and the art style. I haven't seen another animated show do this before. They still have a very alive fanbase, people miss this show and Cartoon Network really should revive it in some way. You can watch Chowder on MAX or clips of it on Youtube.

The author's comments:

This is animated show "Chowder" was one of my favorite shows to watch as a kid. I love the art style, the humor, the way the characters are written so you can grow love hate relationships in a way. This show could've kept going for a little longer I think but the demographic wasn't there for it to keep going as people were getting older. Now though the show would thrive again I've seen clips of it and every now and then I rewatch the show. 

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