In The Mix | Teen Ink

In The Mix MAG

By Anonymous


Tired of the media's and adult's negative portrayal of teens? Then catch the latest television specials this November produced by In The Mix, the award-winning national half-hour weekly teen magazine show that airs on PBS stations nationwide (check local listings for time and date). In both specials, "Teens Talk Risk and Reality" and "Teens Take Action," In The Mix teen reporters highlight teens who are making positive life choices (and those who didn't, like a young man paralyzed from drinking and driving who now shares his story to warn teens) and making a difference in their communities by doing community service. Both specials are not preachy and the experiences these teens have had are very real. In The Mix listens to teens and what they have to say about the issues and choices affecting them.

With its cutting edge style and young reporters, the two In the Mix specials are definitely worth checking out - and if you're interested, you can get involved with In The Mix by becoming a posse member to help suggest ideas for shows and receive info on In The Mix events and shows. Call their New York offices: (212) 788-9700. .

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