Spiderman Ps4 Reveiw | Teen Ink

Spiderman Ps4 Reveiw

October 26, 2018
By Anonymous

Whether you just need a break from that essay you’ve been grinding out all night or you’re Peter Parker looking for something to do in your free time, you must buy this console game. Spiderman for PlayStation 4 came out on September 9th on the gaming console and became Playstation’s fastest selling game in history.  This game is one of a very few games based on Marvel’s superhero Spiderman. Marvel’s Spiderman, for those of you who don’t know, is a teenager who swings through the city on his spider-like webs topping crime in his free time. You must buy the Spiderman game and enjoy a fun fighting style, unlike any other game, a traversal method that fits perfectly to Spiderman, and stealth mechanics that exceed any other game. This game is just what it is advertised to be; Fun and fantastic.

The fighting style in Spiderman Ps4 is unlike any other game despite the rumors claiming it was the same as another game called  Batman: Arkham City. The dexterity and control the player has over Spiderman’s movements exceeds my expectations greatly. Whether you want to jump off a wall to dodge incoming fire or shoot some of those webs back at some pesky enemies, you have complete control over the character at all times and can do whatever you want. Not only can you control the character during the fighting but also through cutscenes. Cutscenes in spiderman are all something called interactive cutscenes. Interactive cutscenes are scenes in the games while playing through the story where you cannot control the character, but can still interact with the game. The countless cutscenes include seamless transitions between interactive play and idle play.

The traversal method of spiderman is its highlight. Everyone in this world has once wanted to be Spiderman just casually swinging through the city. Whether you’re chasing cars or swinging to the top of Avengers Tower you’re on the perfect balance of challenge and ease. The traversal is just challenging enough to be fun awhile not so easy that it’s boring. Brian Intihar, the game’s creative director was devoted to making sure the web-slinging of Spiderman was done just right. He says in a multitude of interviews that Spiderman’s web-slinging was one of the things the developers had to get right. I gladly say that picking up a controller and swinging through the city as Spiderman is perfect. Not only are the controls practical and reliable, but you feel like spiderman when you swing from building to building, above rooftop after rooftop.

Lastly, Spiderman's stealth mechanics are amazing. You would think that its hard to be stealthy when you’re playing as a superhero who loves to crack jokes and eat pizza when fighting crime. Gladly, you can still insult your foes as you knock them out being “as sneaky as a spider”. Spiderman’s stealth mechanics are amazing because there is no set pace of it. There is no waiting around and just sitting there while you’re playing. This is the case in many other games and thankfully, Spiderman has not fallen into that black hole.

All these things the new Spiderman game has done, no other Spiderman game has accomplished. This game is simply amazing. Playing it is so relaxing and rewarding. You must get the Spiderman game for PlayStation 4 because of all the reasons listed above and more. Spiderman is truly an amazing game that I have found to really enjoy playing. You should also find a game that you can sit back, relax, and play.

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High school student being forced to do this

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