Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V review | Teen Ink

Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V review

February 24, 2020
By Anonymous

It is an unforgettable moment to wake up in a cart in bonds. Not knowing where you were from and where you're going. The music and the sound of horse hoofs clomping against the ground wake up my charter that is in a cart with a blonde-haired man a man that has short brown hair in rags and a man in a huge cloak and gag. 

“You're finally awake,” says the blonde-haired man. “ you were caught in that imperial ambush just like me and that horse thief over there” referencing the brown-haired man in rags. Then we progressively go down the road to a city in  which you don't know the name. The man in the cart is talking to you about how the generall of the imperial army is right there and is a coward. Then the cart stops with a halt. We are getting out and the horse thief is freaking out. The officers announce the names of the prisoners one by one and we go and stand around the chopping block where they are to execute us. They don't mean my name means the list so I step forward and then it is when you can customize the race of your character the gender of your character and so much more. Then you change your name. Later in the game, you cannot change your race but you can change your facial features and other attributes about your charter. Then the main quest begins you escaped from her husband and start off in an open-world game. There is an objective but you don't have to follow that you can go anywhere you please Although I would suggest following the main quest until you're done with everything in Whiterun. Then you can do whatever you want there so many different smaller quests along with quest lines like the Thieves Guild, the dark brotherhood, College of Winterhold and many others. You can fight as anyway you want if you want to fight with a two-handed weapon that does insane amount of damage but was slow swing speed to got it oh, you want to do sword and shield you got it, if you want to dual wield one-handed weapons you got it, You can also use Magic. there are so many different schools of magic that they fit every single person differently there was alteration which is the control of the environment around you, illusion which will directly affect enemies to calm then to make them flee and even to make them attack one another, Destruction that you control fire ice and lightning, conjuration which allows you to summon spirits to fight for you and help you, and restoration which will heal your wounds in the middle of battle. The list goes on on the thing that you can do in this game with some of the most beautiful scenery in the gaming world. I would suggest Skyrim 9/10 for overall enjoyment and ability of choice. 

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