GTA5 | Teen Ink


May 1, 2020
By Anonymous

If you are looking for a video game that will keep your attention, be constantly entertaining, and be worth your money, then you need Grand Theft Auto 5.  It will give you a real life driving experience that will keep you glued to your screen.

    The cost of Grand Theft Auto is $30 if you get it on sale, or $60 if you pay regular price.  I was able to get it on sale, but honestly I would pay full price for this game in a second.  It is worth the money because unlike other video games where you complete missions until you’ve finished the entire game, GTA5 never ends.  The missions are unlimited and there is always something new.  The game automatically uploads new missions as time goes on.

    The game is played as if you were in real life.  You have to earn money to buy cars, houses, weapons, ammo, snacks, and hospital visits.  You can choose and customize literally everything in the game from your car tires to your sunglasses.  You can make your avatar look crazy and wild or serious and solemn.  There is always a choice of how you want to play the game.  You can either play in free mode (on-line) where you just drive around and do whatever you want and play with your friends.  The other option is when you do missions that the game has for you, such as stealing cars or transporting goods for money.  Just driving my cars around the street of the city can be fun.  

    GTA5 has realistic graphics and gives extra details that other games do not.  The roads, the landscape, and the building are very realistic and detailed.  It takes Rockstar games six to seven years just to create this game which tells you how detailed and excellent the graphics are.  The city you drive in is realistic and is based off of the city of Los Angeles.  Along with the graphics, there is a huge variety of cars you can choose from and customize.  If you like cars, you’ll love this game because there are so many models to choose from.  There are no real life makes of cars such as Ford or Ferrari, but they are modeled after the real life cars and look very similar.  The amount of modifications you can make to your cars are endless.  You can literally change every detail, from tires, rims, steering wheel, lights, underglow, interior, tire smoke color, not to mention the color of everything.

    The only negatives about GTA5 would be its rating.  Some parents may be turned off by the Mature rating.  There is swearing, violence, and drugs.  Some of the missions involve illegal activity like stealing cars, selling drugs, and killing enemies.  

    I can’t recommend this game enough.  Grand Theft Auto 5 is by far the best video game I have ever played.  I only wish I had that many cars in real life.

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