How I spent a hundreds of hours on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Teen Ink

How I spent a hundreds of hours on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

April 26, 2024
By landon25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
landon25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is a 2015 tactical first person shooter game. One of my friends made me buy the game even though I thought it sounded stupid and I’m glad he did. 

In this game there are 5 attackers and 5 defenders. Defenders secure an area of a building with gadgets, reinforcements, and barricades to protect a bomb making sure that the bomb goes off at the end of the timer. The attackers objective is to plant a diffuser in the same room as 1 of the 2 bombs. There is also another way to win a round by killing the opponent's whole team of 5. 

There are 71 total operators, 36 attackers, and 35 defenders. operators are the people you play as. While playing this game every single operator has their own abilities, some may be similar but they are all unique, making the game unpredictable and fun. With the operators there will always be another operator on the other team that can counter what operator you may be playing, which makes for awesome gameplay, keeping  you on your toes. 

For example, Kapkan places explosive traps on doors that will explode when an enemy operator walks through. There are many operators that can counter this operator like Twitch, and Brava; Twitch and Brava both have a special drone. Twitch’s shock drone shoots a small electrical bullet that can destroy most of any enemy's unique traps that might be in the sight. Brava has a drone that can hack any electronic device on the map making that trap turn on its own team including kapkan’s traps making it a part of the attackers entry.

Graphics and sound are something to appreciate about this game. The sound is very meticulous and hard to grasp, making some people get frustrated while playing the game because of the confusing sounds you may hear. The graphics have also come a long way from when it was first released, now are very life-like and making it easy to understand what you are looking at. Some games make it hard to tell the difference from other players who aren't moving or just another object.

It is one of my favorite games to play and I've been playing it for around 3 years. I am so glad he showed me this game. It has given me so many memories and it helped me find what I like in games for future experiences.

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