In Stars and Time | Teen Ink

In Stars and Time

May 23, 2024
By Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 76 comments

In Stars and Time is an RPG that takes place... on the last day of an RPG. The heroes have already made their way through the kingdom, collected all the magical orbs, and now they're ready to face the big bad, known as King, who wants to freeze the entire country in time. Our protagonist, Siffrin, and the other members of his party, Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie, are getting ready to enter the House of Change where King is staying. However, in the first room of the House, they activate a trap and Siffrin is crushed by a rock. This is where it starts getting interesting.

Siffrin wakes up in the village of Dormont, having travelled one day back in time. He is understandably shocked, given the fact that he just died. Suddenly, they hear a voice telling them to go to the biggest tree in the village. When they follow the voice's instructions, they meet a mysterious being with a star for a head. The being introduces themself as Loop. They inform Siffrin that they're stuck in a time loop, and will be repeating the same 2 days over and over. Nobody besides Siffrin and Loop will remember what happens in previous loops.

At first, Siffrin thinks this is a blessing. After all, they've been given the ability to try again as many times as they want! This will surely help them beat the King and save the world. But as more and more time goes on, that optimism begins to fade. Being in a loop isn't as convenient as one may thing. Their friends will always do and say the same thing, without fail. Siffrin begins to follow a script, making sure to keep the interactions with his friends the same each time. He cares about his friends so much that he doesn't want to make them upset, so he acts like everything is normal in order to not concern them.

As Siffrin discovers more about the King, the loops, and himself, and it becomes harder and harder to keep up the act, his mental health starts to decline. Repeating the same two days over and over with no end in sight definitely can't be good for him. Still, he decides not to tell his friends. He also doesn't know if he can trust Loop, since they're so mysterious. Are they really here to help? 

In Stars and Time is an absolutely phenomenal game. I mostly avoided spoilers in this article, so if you decide to play the game, you can have a spoiler-free experience. I highly recommend it. This game has changed my life.

The author's comments:

please play this game it's absolutely marvelous

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