Ryse-videogame review on Xbox One | Teen Ink

Ryse-videogame review on Xbox One

January 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Ryse-video game review

“Ryse, son of Rome” is an Xbox One exclusive launch title filled with great storytelling, beautiful graphics, and unfortunately, redundant gameplay. Ryse is a story of one Roman soldier on a quest for revenge against his emperor. The story of Ryse and its cinematic feel is what kept me wanting to keep playing, not really the gameplay.
The gameplay, to say the least, is repetitive and does not ask much of you. Even the upgrades do not really offer anything new except more health, focus, gain, or combat. You can also upgrade your executions which don't really change them just make them more flashy. When executing enemies you choose a health, XP, damage, or focus reward. When slashing up an enemy in Ryse, a little skull icon will appear above the enemy’s head. Then you hold down both triggers on your controller, and the enemy will glow the color of the button you are supposed to press. But even if you do mess up on the execution, it keeps on going.
Another problem in Ryse? There are a varied types of enemies in Ryse but they all look the same except the bosses! The boss battles are not much of a challenge except they do have a lot of life. Now we get to Ryse’s multiplayer which is just like the campaign except you do get to choose a god to give you abilities.
Overall, Ryse is a very good looking game with a great story and a cinematic feel. But it never asks much of you with its gameplay, multiplayer, and executions. It was fun while it lasted, but I will not be going back to “Ryse, Son of Rome” anytime soon.

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