League of Legends | Teen Ink

League of Legends

September 29, 2015
By Anonymous

RLeague of legends is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game, it’s a very successful game and has gained worldwide recognition. This is the most played multiplayer game to this day with over 140 million accounts registered. That’s about 2% of the world’s population in a single video game. There are international gaming scenes for each of the different regions of League of Legends. The LCS for North America and Europe, LCK for Korean, LPL for China. Each year, there is a world’s tournament and only the best teams of each region will be able to participate against each other in determining the best team in the world. There was a total of 27 million viewers that watched the world’s tournament during the 2014 tournament.

The game features a total of 10 players, 5 on each team that are spawned in the map Summoner’s Rift where the teams will battle against each other to take down turrets and eventually the Nexus to win the game. There are 5 primary roles in this game, Middle laner, Top laner, Jungle, Attack damage carry and finally, the support. Each player will be controlling a champion that lives in the world of Runeterra. The champions will be in designated lanes of the Summoners Rift, 1 champion top, 1 in mid, 2 at bot lane and 1 in the jungle. League of legends is a skill based game and it’s entertaining and also competitive at the same time.

League of Legends provides an immersive experience and improves hand eye coordination and muscle memory. There are constant mechanics to always improve on in the game, using the correct skill sequences and knowing when to attack the minions to get gold. You also practice money management in purchasing the correct items in their specific order and learn to position better. It also improves your overall awareness by knowing when to act accordingly to enemy players that are taking objectives like your turrets or dragons. There are connections that can be made with league of legends and the real life world. You can constantly see traits and relations through their champion designs and custom skins that reflect people in real life, eg: Dragon Fist Lee Sin is a related to Bruce Lee.

Overall, League of Legends is a finely polished game that has improved immensely from the initial release back in 2009. I have been a player from back in 2012 and personally believe that this is currently the best MOBA game in the world at the moment. I would rate this game as an 8/10, as there are still some more aspects that can be improved. This is definitely worth trying out if you have never played this game before and are looking for some competitive and immersive experience in playing a unique game with unique gameplay.

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