NBA 2K15 on PlayStation 4 | Teen Ink

NBA 2K15 on PlayStation 4

October 21, 2015
By Anonymous

My first time playing a PlayStation 4 was in January, 2015. My older brother just had brought one and he was excited. I didn’t really care and I wasn’t as anxious to play it as he was because I thought it would be the same as the PlayStation 3. We were at Concord Mall and he went to GameStop. He noticed the price of the game system and really wanted one. He had the money to buy one so he just decided he would spend his money on it and buy it. After he bought it, he would not stop smiling. He was so anxious to go home and play the game, but we had to wait a little longer at the mall.

After he brought the PlayStation 4, my mom started doing some clothes shopping for my little brothers and herself. We went in so many stores looking at stuff, trying stuff on and buying things. The first store we went into was Footlocker. My mom and my little brothers were picking out sneakers that they liked and wanted. It took longer than usual because they had to try their sneakers on and make up their minds. So we were in that store for a little while. After we left Footlocker, we went into Champs. My mom wanted to buy another pair of sneakers for my little brother. My older brother started to be greedy and ask my mom to buy a pair of sneakers for him, but she said no because he spent all of his money on the PlayStation 4. So after we left Champs we went to Macy’s and my mom got herself some stuff she liked, we were in there for a little while.

So we’re leaving the mall, walking to the car in the parking lot. My older brother is bragging on about how he’s going to go home and play the game all night by himself and how we couldn’t play with him. So we finally get home and my older brother rushes out of the car to hurry up to get in the house and play the game. He got in trouble because he was so in a rush that he forget he had to grab some of the bags. So after taking the bags in the house, the first thing he does is plug up the PlayStation 4 to the flat screen down stairs in the living room. My little brothers and I were furious because we wanted to watch a movie in the living room because it was the biggest TV in the house and he wanted to play the game on that TV.

He plugs the game up so quickly and puts the game inside the PlayStation 4. The game was NBA 2K15, it came with the PlayStation. So after he’s done plugging it up, he quickly gets himself something to eat and goes upstairs to change into some basketball shorts and a tee shirt. He rushes back downstairs and gets in trouble for being too loud going down the stairs. He grabs his food, and hurry’s back to the living room to finish the night by playing his new game. He was still shocked he had brought a PlayStation 4 that he just stared at it with amazement.

He finally turns on the game and the graphics were beautiful. His mouth dropped as he stared at the PlayStation 4’s new graphics and features. He still couldn’t believe the difference it had between a PlayStation 4 and a PlayStation 3. So after he looked through the system and tried some of the new features he quickly connected online with his PlayStation 4 friends and played 2K. I was surprised about how the graphics looked and how amazing the features were. I didn’t care for it at first, but I had realized how jealous I was of him and I automatically wanted to play it as soon as possible. I ended up not playing until the next day because he wanted to stay up all night playing by online with his friends on 2K. He also only had one controller and didn’t get to buy a second one until the next day. My review for the PlayStation 4 had to overall be “amazing and shocking”. Now we play it whenever we feel like it and we’re not as thrilled about it anymore.



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