Lady Gaga Admits she Believes she is an Alien | Teen Ink

Lady Gaga Admits she Believes she is an Alien

May 26, 2016
By alexisbnsn BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
alexisbnsn BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yesterday in a private interview with Ellen Degeneres,  Lady Gaga admitted she believes she is not of this planet. Gaga stated “I’m tired of hiding my true feelings from my fans. I want to be completely myself for them.” she also says she has been trying to hint at her feelings for a while now with all of her wild ideas. We can confirm that some of her actions have been quit out of this world.

Let’s look at the evidence. In 2011 she showed up to the Grammy’s in an egg which she had been “incubating” in for 72 hours. When addressing this Gaga said “It was a very creative experience, and it was time for me to prepare and really think about the meaning of “Born This Way” and get prepared for the performance. I really wanted to be born on stage.” Was this a reenactment of the way she was born on her home planet? Many reliable sources think so.
Another moment in Gaga’s career stands out to us when thinking she is an alien. The time she wore a dress completely made of meat. Is this how her kind dresses? We asked her just that question and her response was “I feel like this is how I would dress if I were back home. I truly feel that I was born in a world where this would have been acceptable and it makes me yearn for my true species.” She was not addressing Earth.
Gaga says she performs the song “Born this way” every time with her lost family in mind. She does not know who sent her to Earth or why she is here but she believes that it is her duty to represent her alien brethren here on Earth.
So have we finally gotten to see the true Lady Gaga? Have aliens penetrated our world right under our noses? There is now that possibility and for now we better keep our eyes peeled for more of the Gaga species.

The author's comments:

This is a satire that I wrote for my creative writing class.

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