All in Your Head | Teen Ink

All in Your Head

November 28, 2013
By Anonymous


Scene opens in a beautiful park, early in the morning. A normal-looking girl, about 16, is sitting on a bench reading a book. Her phone beeps, from a text. “Max: Morning Jenny-babe ;)”. Girl (Jenny) chuckles to herself. She texts back: “It’s 1 pm, “babe” ;)” and goes back to reading.
A creepy-looking girl in a white dress, with long black hair, sits on the bench beside Jenny staring down at her own lap.
Creepy Girl (CG) is staring creepily in the distance.
JENNY: (turns to CREEPY GIRL) Hello?
CG: (doesn’t even look at her)
JENNY: Are you ok?
CG: (looks at the book)
JENNY: Hellooooooooooooo? (waves hand in front of CG’s face)
CG: (glances at her quickly, then looks down again)
JENNY: Oooookkkayyy… (goes back to book)

(JENNY’S phone rings. She picks it up.)
JENNY: Hello? Yeah, Mom, I’ll be home soon...I just went to the park...I’m probably gonna stop by the store on my way home...Do you need anything?...Uh-huh….Uh-huh…

(As this conversation is occurring, CG gets up, leaving a black piece of paper that appears to be splattered with blood on the seat)
JENNY: Alright, Mom...Alright, Mom...Bye..Love you too...Ok...Ok...Bye!

(JENNY hangs up. She glances to her side, to see that the girl has left. She notices the paper. She looks around.)
JENNY: Hey, you left something!

(When girl doesn’t show up, JENNY inspects the paper, contemplating. She then opens it. It reads: “Jenny, don’t go the party with Max--Raven.”)
JENNY: Huh? How’d she know--

(JENNY’S phone rings. She picks up.)
JENNY: Oh, hey, Max!....Nothing...What party?...Alex is having a party?...Oh, are you going?...I’d love to go with you!---Wait. (glances at the note) Actually, I have plans. Maybe next time?...Well, I don’t know. I just kinda have a bad feeling about this…(As she says this, Raven passes behind her)
JENNY: It is NOT all in my head. It’s just...I’ll...I’ll tell you tomorrow. Ok. See you tomorrow, babe.

(JENNY hangs up. She looks at the note again and puts it in her pocket. She picks up her stuff and leaves.)


Scene opens at Jenny’s house, in her living room, about 8:00 at night. Jenny is sitting in her couch eating some chips and switching channels. She sees a news report coming on and stops.
NEWS REPORTER: 3 teenagers died in a car crash today close to Rosebud Avenue. According to reports, the teens were headed to a party. (Show pictures) These young teenagers who died are Maxwell White, Alex Fleming, and Sam Houston. Their last words were "turn down fo’ what". Hopefully, these inspirational words can help us through this tough time. But...breaking news, Chris Brown got a new hairstyle! Is it blond or is it honey? We’ll tell you after the break.
(JENNY turns off the tv. She looks freaked out. She pulls the note out of her pocket and opens it. It's blank. She looks even more freaked out.)
JENNY: Blank?
(Suddenly, she hears humming and looks around her franctically.
Outside her house, Raven's shadow can be seen.)


The next day. Scene opens Jenny is sitting at a table, with her older brother, Josh, at a crowded, expensive restaurant, The Garden.
JOSH: I promise, having a nice meal will make you feel better in no time.
JENNY: Are you kidding? Having some fancy food won’t bring Max back!
JOSH: (sigh) I’m just trying to help.
JENNY: (rolls her eyes and looks away)
JOSH: So, you don’t want to talk about it?
JENNY: Josh, we’ve already talked. And you won’t believe me about that girl and…and the note!
JOSH: Jenny, once you’re feeling better, you’ll realize that that’s all in your head.
JENNY: It’s not all in my head! I don’t know how that girl knew what was going to happen, but she could have stopped it!
JOSH: I’m going to the bathroom.
JENNY: Fine.
(JOSH leaves)
(JENNY is staring at the wall with her arms crossed. She doesn’t even notice when CG sits next to her. After about 30 seconds, she takes a glance to her side, and turns back to the wall. She does a double take, looking back to her side and screaming)
JENNY: You! You’re the weirdo with the note!
CG: (doesn’t respond, simply points to the napkin holder in the center of the table)
JENNY: No, I have some questions for you! (Her fork falls, and she reaches under the table to grab it. When she comes back up, CG is no longer there)
JENNY: What? (She looks over to the napkin holder. A new note is there. Jenny opens it. It reads “Jenny, run—Raven”. )
JENNY: Run? What? This is sooo not funny. (she looks around her) I swear, I’m going to call the cops. (She glances at her stuff, then grabs it and runs out the restaurant. She keeps running, even as she hears screams behind her. She doesn’t look back)


Scene opens in Jenny’s living room. Jenny flings open the door to her house and sits down for a little. She takes the note out of her pocket and looks at it. It still says the same thing. She crumbles it up. Her mom, in tears, with a phone on her ear, enters the room.
MOM: Honey, are you ok? (hugs)
JENNY: (mutters) Not really.
MOM: I'm so glad you're alright. I thought I lost you
JENNY: Hm? What are you talking about, Mom?
MOM: Honey, the Garden collapsed today.
JENNY: (terrified) The…Garden...collapsed?
MOM: Yes, I know. Unexpected, really. I’m just glad you’re ok. But...Jenny...Didn't you go with Josh today?
(JENNY just stares at her mom for a while. Then she picks up the crumbled up note and goes to her room.)


Scene opens in Jenny’s room. Looks like a normal teenage girl’s room, with a bed in the center and a walk-in closet.
JENNY sits on her bed. She opens the note. It’s blank. JENNY collapses on her bed and screams. She begins to cry.
Soft humming is softly in the background. In the closet, CG is in there, just watching.


One week later.
Scene opens in a typical bookstore, in the afternoon. Jenny and another normal teenage girl are looking through the self-help section.
MI-YOUNG: I’m sure we can find something to cheer you up.
JENNY: (sigh)
MI-YOUNG: So, this one time, I was at a party, and this girl has the NERVE to show up wearing the same shirt as me. [AD-LIB] (As Mi-Young tells the story, Jenny takes up a book titled “Facing Death: Grieving when Someone You Love Dies”. She leafs through it.) Are you listening? (Jenny looks up to acknowledge Mi-Young and nods) As I was saying…[AD-LIB] (When Jenny glances down again, it’s not there)
MI-YOUNG: And this other time, I was at this party…
JENNY: Do all your stories start with “One time, I was at this party”?
MI-YOUNG: I go to a lot of parties.
(JENNY is about to answer, but she hears familiar humming. She looks a little nervous)
JENNY: Um…speaking of parties…there’s something I wanted to talk to you about. The day of…Alex’s party, I think I saw this really creepy girl who knew that…you-know-what…was going to happen. But, then I saw the same girl when I was with Josh, and she…knew about that too. What if…she caused it to happen? Both of them? Should I go to the police?
MI-YOUNG: Girl, it is all in your head. Why would some random girl who you don’t even know target you? And could she really cause a CAR CRASH to happen? And a RESTAURANT to COLLASPE? Really?
JENNY: It’s not in my head! She gave me a note…but it was blank later.
MI-YOUNG: See! You’re just imagining an answer to what happened because you’re in grief. I’ll catch up with you later when you’re thinking more clearly. I’m gonna go look a cookbook.
JENNY: Yeah, ok.
(As MI-YOUNG walks away, JENNY hears a noise. She turns around, but all she sees is a fallen book. As she slowly walks toward the book, she hears humming again, louder this time. She hears another book fall behind her, in the next aisle. She turns around, and there is CG standing there, seen through the shelf. Jenny gasps. Jenny puts her hand in her pocket, and there's the note.)
JENNY: Hey! You!
CG: (no response)
JENNY: Who are you??? Why’d you leave me those notes? How'd you know what was going
to happen? How'd you know my name?
CG: (no response)
JENNY: WHO ARE YOU?? (walks over to the next aisle) I'M TALKING TO--
(CG is not there)
JENNY: ….myself?
(JENNY looks at the note in her hand again. It’s still blank. She glances where the girl was. There is another note of the same design on the ground. Jenny looks like she’s contemplating, then she slowly picks up the note. When she opens it, it reads “Cleanup in aisle 7. --Raven”.)
JENNY: What? (she looks around) I swear, this is not my day (. She hears Mi Young scream.) Mi Young? (runs to aisle 7)
(MI-YOUNG is lying on the ground, her throat covered in blood. JENNY freaks out. She opens the note again. “P.S. The police think you did it ;)” JENNY runs outside and gets in her car)


Jenny’s house, living room.
(JENNY reaches her house. She flings open the door and enters the living room, where her Mom is
standing. She runs to her Mom and gives her a hug)
MOM: What’s wrong?
JENNY: Mi-Young’s dead!
MOM: What? At the bookstore?
JENNY: It was the girl! The same girl who killed Max! And Josh!
MOM: Honey, you’re being silly. I remember what you told me, but…sweetie…there is no one in town who looks like the girl you described. Trust me, I would know.
JENNY: But the note! (takes the note out of her pocket. It’s blank)
MOM: See, sweetie. It’s all in your head. Now, go get some rest.
JENNY: (looks freaked out, but goes to her room)


Jenny’s room.
(Jenny lies on her bed. She screams. The closet swings open slightly. CG steps out.)
JENNY: (jumps) Ah! You...WHO ARE YOU? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? WHAT ARE YOU? YOU caused all this stuff, didn’t you!? You killed my boyfriend...and…and my brother…and my best friends.
CG: (no response)
JENNY: I’m calling the cops. (she pulls out her phone, and starts dialing a number and holds it up to her ear for about 10 seconds. And looks at her to see that is turning off) What did you do to my phone!? Stay away from me, you FREAK!!!
(CG is gone. A note is left where she was standing)
JENNY: Oh my god. (Opens the note: “Your mom may need a helping hand”)
JENNY: Mom! (Runs out)


Kitchen. Front door is in view, and so is porch.
MOM: Yes, dear?
JENNY: You’re…ok?
MOM: Well, I will be, once you help me cut up some veggies for dinner.
JENNY: Huh? (looks at note, it’s blank)
MOM: By the way, what time are you planning to go to Hobby Lobby with Mi-Young?
JENNY: What?
MOM: Didn’t you have plans to go shopping with her? To cheer you up about…something?
(Doorbell rings. JENNY opens the door. MAX is at the door)
MAX: So, do you want to go to a party at Tyrellnesha’s house?
JENNY: What???
MAX: Mmmm, is something baking? (Goes inside)
(Doorbell rings. JENNY opens the door. MI-YOUNG is at the door)
MI-YOUNG: So, are we gonna leave before I get any older?
JENNY: Mi-Young!
MI-YOUNG: Smells like there’s food! (runs inside)
(JENNY steps outside.)
(JENNY enters the porch. She puts her hands on her head.)
JENNY: I don’t understand. Was it all just a dream? It was all in my head…
(She sees a note on the front porch. She opens it. It reads: “Jenny, LOOKS ARE DECEIVING—RAVEN”.)
(JENNY looks inside. Max is lying dead on the couch. Mi-Young is lying dead on the ground by the piano.
She walks into the kitchen. Mom is lying dead on the ground.)
JENNY: What? Aaahh!
(She steps into the living room.)

Living Room.
MAX is standing, looking creepily at Jenny, with a knife in one hand, and a note in the other. The note, in big letters, reads: “DON’T GO TO THE PARTY WITH MAX”)
Next to him, MI-YOUNG is standing, looking creepily at Jenny, with a knife in one hand, and a note in the other. The note, in big letters, reads: “CLEANUP IN AISLE 7”)
Jenny walks into kitchen.

MOM looks creepy, with a knife in one hand, and a note in the other. Big letters: “MOM MIGHT NEED A HELPING HAND”.
She runs to the front door. CG is standing in the doorway, with a smile on her face. And a note in her hand “LOOKS ARE DECEIVING”)
CG: Time to go to sleep, Jenny.
(JENNY screams. Blackout.)

The author's comments:
This was just a creepy little story I had in my head for a while.

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This article has 1 comment.

Horror love said...
on Dec. 23 2013 at 11:38 pm
Write more! It was so good!