Ms.Kitten's Monologue | Teen Ink

Ms.Kitten's Monologue

February 10, 2014
By christinoelle BRONZE, Austin, Texas
christinoelle BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is this smell? It’s nothing like me or the giant humans roaming around my lair. It’s nothing like the present I left in the sand box. It’s definitely not that stinky dog whom I have grown accustom to. It’s something else…or someone!
Another cat? What!?!? How dare they? After all I have done for them! Rubbing against their sides, helping clean up the spilled food, I even provide a comfy sleeping buddy. Why would they need another cat? I’m the best. This one is ugly, with its gray fur and horrible smell. No match for me. Looks like she was born yesterday, ha! I’m just going to creep up on her when no one is looking and give her a little piece of my mind, show here who’s the boss of this house!
Crap! My plan failed. The moment I hissed at her, the human that brought her here shooed me away, closing the door with that new cat inside her lair. What am I doing wrong here? I’m cute, playful, and soft. Is it because I hurt one of the humans? It’s not my fault they swing their fingers in my face and my instinct is to capture and destroy. I’ll go apologize to him.
NO! They are all hypnotized by this new cat I swear! No one even noticed me as I rubbed against the chunky human whose finger I bit earlier. They all held that tiny cat and made weird faces and noises as they praised her. She is planning on taking my family away and brainwashing them! Hissss hissss.
Day 3.We are all alone in the house now. It’s been a few days with this intruder and they have let her start roaming the house on her own. I sneak around to find her. She is in the present lair, eating MY food. She realizes I am here and hissed a pathetic hiss at me. Why are you eating my food? Hisssssss. She wants to fight we can fight. I start chasing her but she hid behind the couch I can no longer fit behind. Dang it! I must wait.
Day 7. The intruder and I are alone again. She’s playing with my toys. I turn to chase her away. I chase her into the bedroom, they the present layer, then the other bedroom. This goes on for 30 minutes. Suddenly I can’t find her. Where did she go? I look for her scent which is becoming harder and harder to find now that she is smelling like me. I finally found her. She’s on my favorite couch, sleeping? She looks so peaceful. Yawn. I’m just going to rest my eyes for a second then attack…this stupid….cat.
2 hours later. Whaaaat? What’s happening? I must have dosed off. What is this comfy pillow I’m on? Ahhhh! It’s her! How did I let this happen? I should attack her now that I have the chance. After all she is asleep, looking all helpless, and well kind of cute and sweet. Maybe this cat won’t be too bad to have around. As long as she knows I get first dibs on the dropped food and sleep on the spinning chair. She seems to be nice and playful with the owners. I think this would work!

The author's comments:
This piece is about my precious cat that was extremely jealous once I brought my new kitten home. Seeing the way she acted was very interesting and I had to write about it.

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