The Adventures of Rocky and Gil | Teen Ink

The Adventures of Rocky and Gil

February 12, 2014
By marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is banging a girl and I'm banging a lamp named Henry"

On a normal day in the suburbs, old friends rocky and Gil enjoyed the sunny day.
"Rocky we don't have any cases to solve, what are we going to do" said Gil
Rocky replied "we wait. The cases will come to us" only a moment later Sandy came running up.
"you guys have to help me! I can't find my favorite toy!" Rocky and Gil exchanged a quick look. time to get to work. The team assembled all of their must have supplies. sunglasses, badges, and of course some dog treats for the road.
Walking with sandy to the scene of the crime Rocky asked what happened. "I was playing in the yard when my human called me in to give me a bath. After my bath I went back outside to because I left me favorite toy; my pink teddy bear! How am I going to sleep without Mr. cuddles?" Sandy told the duo with panic.
Gil being the comforting, good cop said "Oh sandy I promise we'll find Mr. Cuddles!" Rocky being the hardened bad cop simple stop paying attention and started looking around the crime scene.
"Take a look at these paw prints Gil."
"What are you thinking partner?"
"Looks to me like the handy work of Whiskers!" Whiskers was the neighborhood villain. He would make trouble where ever he went. Whiskers also just happened to share humans with Sandy!
Just at that moment Whiskers came walking out the dog door. When he saw the neighborhood cops were on his trail he took off running.
"Come on Gil we have a criminal to catch!" as Rocky said that Gil and him took off running. soon they cornered Mr. whiskers
"Alright, alright you caught me! I stole Mr. Cuddles!"
" Lets take him into jail" rocky got ready to bring Whiskers to justice
Wanting to point wiggles in the right direction Gil told him "don't you know you can't take other peoples things without asking."
Wiggles looked sad "I just wanted something to cuddle with."
Just then Sandy walked up "...maybe we could share Mr. Cuddles?"
With a huge smile Wiggles said "really!"
Interupting, Rocky chimed in "This is a nice moment but someone still has to go to jail"
"Oh rocky can't he get by with a warning just this one time?" Gil said as he looked at Rocky longingly. Looking around the group he couldn't help but cave
"maybe just this once."
Walking back to their home Rocky broke the silence "Looks like another case solved!"
Just then Rocky and Gil heard there human soot "dinner" exchanging a look they took off running.

The author's comments:
This is a short children's piece I wrote about two dog cops that go around the neighborhood solving crimes.

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