May I Speak Your Honor? | Teen Ink

May I Speak Your Honor?

January 8, 2016
By Carnaby GOLD, Dorset, Vermont
Carnaby GOLD, Dorset, Vermont
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

May I speak your Honor?  In defense of my client, stop meeting killing with  more killing.  Of course, we're all killers to some extent, but we must stop killing other people as much as possible.  Because killing my client is not defusing a bomb.  You know what it is?  It's killling a human being.  Human beings, as much as we say otherwise, are not actually devils or demons.  A human being, if you don't know what that is-- is what you are, what I am, what we all are.  Human beings are very flawed creatures-- some more than others.  So we form a very flawed society.  We know that, so we complain about it, like a troubled self pitying teenager.  We complain about many of the problems our society has, but I don't hear anybody complaining about one of its worst flaws-- it dehumanizes.  Killing my client won't bring the victims back to life.  Killing my client won't teach my client.  He will die thinking that it's acceptable to kill under some circumstance or another.  Is that what you want?  An entire human being is thinking this.  Imagine if you were my client-- who is an entire human being.  It's possible, don't say it isn't.  An incredibly lost, an incredibly insane, an incredibly dehumanizing human being.  Many suggest that we get rid of any possible path to lead this human being on.  Is that what you think is best?  You must stop simplifying human life.  Just because my client did so, does not mean you should do so in return.  Thank you, your Honor.

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This article has 1 comment.

Carnaby GOLD said...
on Apr. 7 2016 at 8:54 pm
Carnaby GOLD, Dorset, Vermont
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I understand that this is a controversial issue, but please don't comment your opinions on here. I am perfectly fine discussing things with anyone in person, but it doesn't work too well on a comment section. Please keep in mind that all human beings have merit, and are all capable of good as well as evil. Anyhow, peace and love!