One Last Regret | Teen Ink

One Last Regret

March 23, 2016
By EmmaTC BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
EmmaTC BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

NURSE LINDA                   DR. JOHNSON 

NURSE LINDA: (walking towards the Westwood family in the St. Rose Hospital’s waiting room) Sophia is about two hours into surgery and her vitals are stable for now. Is there anything I can get for you guys?
MR. WESTWOOD: (in a soft, low voice) No, Linda. Thank you though.
MRS. WESTWOOD: (taking a deep breath and looking at her husband) I just want to see my little girl again. (addressing her husband) She’s only eight, Paul. She doesn’t deserve this. I wish I could take her place.
(Melanie Westwood enters)
MELANIE: (rushing into the waiting room nervously) Where… is she? Am I too… late?
NURSE LINDA: (to Melanie) She is in surgery and she is doing very well.
MELANIE: (confused, trying to catch her breathe) What happened? I… I thought she was in remission? I thought things were going to get better.
MR. WESTWOOD: That’s what we thought too sweetheart. Sophia’s heart began to fail and her lungs filled up with fluid. We rushed her here as soon as possible.
MRS. WESTWOOD: (tears in her eyes) Your father and I tried to get in touch with you but you weren’t answering. I got in touch with our neighbor and she said she’d drop off as soon as you got off the bus.
MELANIE: (slowly lowering herself into the chair next to her mom, staring at the ground) This is all my fault… it’s all my fault. (she begins to cry into her mom’s shoulder)
MRS. WESTWOOD: (pulling Melanie off her shoulder) Mel, what are you talking about? Are you crazy? Nothing is anyone’s fault.
MELANIE: (still crying) But it is my fault, mom. I got into a fight with her this morning because she recorded me on my phone singing in the shower and sent it to Jake on snapchat! It was stupid but I yelled at her.
MRS. WESTWOOD: Well, she was only trying to be funny. I’m sure she forgave you.
MELANIE: (looking up at her mom) No, mom, you don’t understand!
MRS. WESTWOOD: (perplexed) What am I missing Mel?
MELANIE: When I yelled at her I told her that she’s annoying and that I wish I never had a sister.
NURSE LINDA: Melanie, look at me. (looking at Melanie, wiping her tears of her tan cheeks)
We all say things we don’t mean when we are angry or upset. Sophia constantly talks about you and tells me stories. She may only be eight years old but she has such a big heart. I know she knew you did not mean it. She knows you love her. She talks so highly of you when she comes in for her treatment. She looks up to you, you’re her hero.
MR. WESTWOOD: See Mel, it’s okay. Your sister loves you and she knows you love her just the same. When Sophia gets out of surgery you can apologize.
MELANIE: (she holds her stomach as if she’s ready to be sick) If… If she gets out of surgery. I never meant to hurt her. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry.
NURSE LINDA: I have to go check on Sophia’s progress now. Why don’t you guys stay here and I’ll be back in a little while with an update. They have great coffee in the cafeteria just down the hall and to the right. Melanie, you should try eating something.
(Nurse Linda exits, and an hour passes. Dr. Johnson enters the waiting room.)
DR. JOHNSON: (shaking Melanie’s shoulder to wake her) Wake up sleepy head, wake up!
(Melanie opens her eyes and sits straight up when the doctor comes into focus)
MR. WESTWOOD: (returning from the cafeteria with Mrs.Westwood) Doctor Johnson! How is my daughter? Is everything alright?
DR. JOHNSON: Sophia is in recovery. The surgery went well. It’s hard to say whether or not the problem is completely resolved, but I am very confident with the outcome. Only time will tell.
MELANIE: So… she’s okay? When can we see her?
DR. JOHNSON: You all can come back now. Follow me.
MELANIE: (excited) Is she awake? I need to talk to her!
MRS. WESTWOOD: Calm down sweetheart, she needs to rest. You will get to talk to her once she is feeling better.
DR. JOHNSON: (with a grin and a raised brow) I heard you have some apologizing to do?
MELANIE: (embarrassed) Oh, you heard… (looking down at her white converse shoes) yeah, I do. I didn’t mean a word I said.
DR. JOHNSON: Good. I saw her when she woke up. She’s asking for you personally Melanie.
(Dr. Johnson begins to walk away to lead the family to Sophia’s room, then turns back around to Melanie)
DR. JOHNSON: Did I ever tell you that you have a lovely name?
(Melanie smiles and looks down at her shoes, then the family follows Dr. Johnson to Sophia’s Room)

The author's comments:

Dramatic Scene

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