You have to sing with your own voice . | Teen Ink

You have to sing with your own voice .

April 13, 2013
By AnNguyen BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
AnNguyen BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh City, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is a place where complicated things come together for a show. Where your strength is tested and your talent is needed somehow. You can achieve things while running in this one long marathon - important things ,valuable things. And of course , they are all the things you will get by your ability . Even when you are singing a song , you must never do the lip-singing cause life is a grumpy audience - this means you do not want to be a target for haters .
Perhaps the title is not clear enough , what is up with " You have to sing with your own voice ." ? Yes, that means you have to sing your own song with your very own voice - it is so obvious , you use your own strength to do your own thing.
So messed up so far huh? This issue is too well-known at the time . People nowadays are becoming ( not everyone - there always exceptions ) more lazier than the old time . Things sometime are always collected by others not the one who receives the compliments. Like you can easily get a degree of a bachelor or something just by paying for it , not mentioning you have to do nothing - nothing at all. This awful result - well, comes from where ? I mean , is it because of the society ? Or the world is just getting more easy-going?
It is obviously that I can not answer this very big-matter question but one thing I do know : this will not last for long. Sooner or later , people can easily recognize who you really are . If you are a straight and normal guy , it would be nothing , but if you are a fake one , you better watch out. Therefore , there is one and just only one way to get what you want to achieve , is to use your own mind .
Sometimes , you feel like a really-useless-and-lazy dude, you feel like you have been in hell or simply the bottom of all bottoms . It is okay , yes , it is very normal . Life is like an extravaganza ( a song or a piece of art ) , there are always the certain points that show darkness and things you don't want to suffer at all. But that is not the end , it is just where you started to move on and live like you have never lived before , this is when your strength is used . Of course , this is when you got just you .
You are so confused , right ? Well, it is all your choice , do something on your own or let someone else do the work . But one thing for sure, things on your own may work with the result of awesomeness . Oscar Wilde - a famous Irish writer and poet said : " Be yourself , everyone else is taken. "

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