Journey through a Moment | Teen Ink

Journey through a Moment

April 8, 2009
By sunsetclimber BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
sunsetclimber BRONZE, Portage, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

A moment caught in time

My heart the only sound heard
amidst the roar of the ocean
of cheers.
Sweat I wipe

from my

glistening brow.
A deep breath to calm my j t e i g

i t r n
nerves and push the e x h a u s t i o n from my limbs.

This is my moment, a rare moment.

A step brings me closer, closer
to a deciding chance.
No thought goes ahead to what will happen after.
No thought slips to what happened before.
Focused on the net and where she is not.
Another step
Calls enter the midst
of an almost complete mentality.
Telling what to do.
No heed is taken,
I know what to do.
And it is done,



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