Ae Freislighe | Teen Ink

Ae Freislighe

December 26, 2018
By georgiaringstaff BRONZE, Austin, Texas
georgiaringstaff BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist" Indira Gandhi

Murmuring flow of a stream

Lively roar of perfection

In the moon, a certain gleam

Crying in the reflection

Sweet, coiling tendrils of mist

Leading a path through the night

A blushing bloom will persist

Its only wish to glow bright

Twinkle against the dull sky

Brilliant splash of daydream

A quiet, whispered “Goodbye”

Murmuring flow of the stream

The author's comments:

     Georgia was born on a muggy summer day in Austin, Texas, but to the dismay of her non-Texan cousins, has never ridden a horse or seen a cowboy. Georgia is the author of “Ae Freislighe”, a poem named after the Irish poetic form it takes the shape of. She wants to share with her readers the simple beauty of nature and the outdoors. 

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