Tic Tic Toc Tic | Teen Ink

Tic Tic Toc Tic

February 1, 2019
By Anonymous

Tic Tic Toc Tic

The moments pass by too qick

Tic Tic Toc Tic

To the moments that feel like forever

Tic Tic Toc Tic

I want to hold onto this

Tic Tic Toc Tic

How beautiful can it possibly get?

Tic Tic Toc Tic

To the bad moments that scarred me forever

Tic Tic Toc Tic

It's time to move on from it

Tic Tic Toc Tic

Can you tell me how to live again?

Tic Tic Toc Tic

Just live this life before our tic never tocs another time

The author's comments:

Tic Tic Toc Tic was inspired by a late night of listening to my old and loud clock that makes the sound of tic tic toc tic. It is my view on how time is many things but the time we have here isn't a given ammount so lets just make the tic tic tic tocs worth it in the end.

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