Imagination | Teen Ink


April 27, 2009
By AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

iNow here we stand
Atop a rich green mountain
Knowing we could be in the sand
Or playing in Rome's beautiful fountains.
We grin a devilish grin
And are whipped into heated battle
Slashing with a invisible sword in a spin.
We then laugh as we sit on the wind in the pegasus's saddle
This is our imagination

Walking to school
Boring than boring
But with a little imagination, nice and cool
Boring becomes soaring
With the unexpected and the funny
You'll never know what you'll see
Maybe the world turning sunny
Or maybe a door unlocked by a silver key
So many things you can come up with
This is my imagination

The author's comments:
I was walking one day to a doctor's appointment when I found out that I didn't charge my Ipod. So, to my dismay, I had no entertainment on the thirty minute walk. I was as bored as bored could be, but then I started to think ~What if dinosaurs still lived?~ Strange thought, I know, but it got me using my imagination. In no time I was at my doctor's appointment, but I was still imagining how it would be like.

P.S. Do not think I'm crazy please!

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