Step Back, Swim, and Let Go | Teen Ink

Step Back, Swim, and Let Go

April 19, 2023
By srsmith7 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
srsmith7 BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look down from atop the chasm

My heart begins to beat and spasm

I feel that soon I might slip

I might lose my grip

I teeter on the edge so tall

There is nothing at the bottom to break my fall

I take a step back from the ravine

I find the view is quite serene 

Maybe the chasm is not so deep

I was so silly to worry and weep

I sit sinking in a tiny boat 

With nothing left to keep it afloat

Will I sink or will I swim

My options are starting to look slim

I find the water is warm and inviting

There was nothing about it that now seemed frightening

Why cling to the little boat when it will no longer float

I shouldn’t let little things drag me down by the coat

I am a leaf clinging to a tree in the wind

The storm forces me to bow and bend

At any moment I could let go

I could go spiraling to the ground below

I wish the winds were light and breezy

So I could land on the grass soft and easy

Nothing comes without struggle or strife

That is just a part of life

I must determine what trees are worth holding on for

Let go of what isn’t important and appreciate what is all the more

All I need is to 

step back


And Let go

The author's comments:

This poem is about learning to let go of the fears that hold you back, often there is really nothing to fear. It is also about trying new things that might seem scary at first but also to look at problems from a different perspective. when we do those things, our worries and fears don't seem so bad.

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