My Wish for You | Teen Ink

My Wish for You

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

I wish for you to find peace,
To feel safe, and happy wherever you go.
I wish you would figure out exactly who it is you think you are,
And end your stupid show.

I wish for you to do great things,
For your success to rise up like the coming dawn.
I wish you’d pull your head out of the sand,
Just long enough to have a clue of what’s going on.

I wish for you to be loved by all,
To be welcomed, accepted and dearly appreciated.
I wish your mammoth ego would meet an untimely end,
Its swift, no slow degeneration to leave you dilapidated.

I wish for you to know that I care,
For you to remember me always and never grieve.
But really, beyond anything I could ever wish for,
Oh, how I wish you’d just leave.

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