A Woman's Heart. | Teen Ink

A Woman's Heart.

July 8, 2011
By x-Miss_Invisible-x SILVER, Temple Terrace, Florida
x-Miss_Invisible-x SILVER, Temple Terrace, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm Just like a cork. No Matter How Long You Hold Me Under Water; I will always Pop back up to the top!"

It screams no when he says yes.
It runs from man with distrust.
When you love it,
It runs like a chicken who's headless.
It cracks under featherweight.
And it always has a headache.

It knows how to comfort the heart.
It knows how to flirt.
It knows how to tease.
It knows how to please.
It knows how to heal,
but it never knows how to feel.
It knows how to be strong,
But strength doesn't always last long.

It knows how to protect itself.
But it wont get help from anyone else.
Its stubborn and tough,
But gentle to the touch.
it trusts no one buy family,
And to husband uncertainty.
It can hurt, and it can love.
It can pull and shove.
It is a being of many contradictions.
And a bruise formed by many afflictions..

But by days end,
It's the woman's heart that's always at hand.
Whether it be held by a lover,
Or an angry burglar.
Its what the earth revolves on.
Whether its the roaring of a hurricane, or the eye so calm.
It's the sweetest fruit that when withered is so tart..
It's the unexplainable woman's heart


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