Ember Soul | Teen Ink

Ember Soul

October 12, 2011
By Tunefisher GOLD, Manhasset, New York
Tunefisher GOLD, Manhasset, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Every second is a moment in time. This second is a moment in history." -Anonymous

Her words caress the child’s frightened soul
And whisper promises of demons slain;
And flames embrace their death with ember coals.

Through sobs she cries she is beyond console
With tears that fall as swift as April rain.
Her words caress the child’s frightened soul.

Deceived by his guise, through gentle cajole;
Sharp vision dulled with paranormal pain.
And flames embrace their death with ember coals.

Thrown from paradise, a peaceful atoll.
Swift yanked from beneath, where she would remain.
Her words caress the child’s frightened soul.

Written in blood on a torn parchment scroll.
From her heart cries out the sordid refrain:
“And flames embrace their death with ember coals.”

Dawn breaks, with the sound of night raven’s toll.
Quiet is the heart, but despair does not wane.
Her words caress the child’s frightened soul
And flames embrace their death with ember coals.

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