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#14921voted by our readers
By kasiajonas ELITE
Cracow, Other

Dear friend, what did you hear What did you see, what did you say Remember, I'll find out About all your lies behind my back What are you waiting for Why are you still...
kasiajonas ELITE, Cracow, Other
117 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live like you're at the bottom even when you're at the top.

#14922 Poetry
By tophatjack BRONZE
Hood River, Oregon
tophatjack BRONZE, Hood River, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I went to where we began, I left my heart there, I'll pick up the next time I need it.-Tophatjack

#14923 Poetry
bass_rockrgrl13 PLATINUM, Burlington, Massachusetts
21 articles 0 photos 73 comments
CWells_521 DIAMOND, Greene, New York
81 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
The best things in life are unseen, that&#039;s why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream.<br /> What doesn&#039;t kill you, only makes you stronger.

#14925 Poetry
By Anonymous
#14926 Poetry
Brokengirl07 PLATINUM, Roy, Utah
33 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You have the power to make a difference, If you have the guts to try

#14927 Poetry
By MiscellanyCrop DIAMOND
Middlefield, Ohio
MiscellanyCrop DIAMOND, Middlefield, Ohio
50 articles 1 photo 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let Earth unbalanced from her orbit fly / Planets and Suns run lawless through the sky. <br /> An Essay on Man - Alexander Pope

#14928 Poetry
By JustJimmy BRONZE
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
JustJimmy BRONZE, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If thou had not committed great sin, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.&quot; -Ghengis Khan

#14929 Poetry
By Anonymous
#14930 Poetry
GoogleYourFace PLATINUM, Tayor, Texas
24 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You said I wouldn&#039;t get to far on a tank of gas and an empty heart, but I&#039;ve got everything I&#039;ll ever need. I&#039;ve got this old guitar and a brand new set of strings.&quot;<br /> --Miranda Lambert &quot;New Strings&quot;