Done | Teen Ink


March 5, 2019
By Anonymous

I just can't wait to leave this high school;

My fellow classmates are extremely cruel;

All of my teachers just do not care;

The staff at my high school is unfair;

The care and help you get here is miniscule;

The topics that are taught will make you drool;

Having a good day at this school is rare;

Being here makes me want to rip out my hair;

All the school makes me want to do is cry;

I am so excited to say goodbye.

There was one teacher that was very kind;

She cared, she listened, she opened my mind;

Mrs.Raglow was the one that was there;

Her class gave me a reason to enjoy being here;

Mr. Belkofer accompanied her and the class inclined;

I learned so much from them combined;

Those two together made a great pair;

Their topics made me so much more aware;

I still stop in from time to time;

These teachers made an impact that will last a lifetime.

I had my three friends to help me through;

Us three together we're stuck like glue;

Having them there made it not so bad;

They are the very best friends i've ever had;

Unlike the others, I kept a small crew;

Me graduating is long overdue;

Leaving my friends will make me sad;

But as soon as im gone I will be glad;

The years almost over and I can’t wait to leave;

I promise once I’m gone I will not grieve.

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