Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

Guardian Angel

May 15, 2019
By Andrea_123 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Andrea_123 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Does thou believest in guardian angels?

Or could it be the help of god himself?

To survive many deaths through miracles?

More meaning to life than living, what else?

Does thou know thy true purpose in this world?

I question myself again and again

It Can't simply be to mate and grow old

Why else was my life not brought to an end

Seen it flash before my eyes countless times

But miraculously my life was spared

Although thou  may thinkest it is all lies

My Gasping breaths live on to catch more air

Who could it be that watches over me?

Questions aside, I live on and thank thee.

The author's comments:

The creator of this work is named Jesus Sanchez, he is an 18 year old high school student who will attend Sam Houston State University to major in Animation. Jesus is Mexican who was moved to Dallas at only months after birth, where he was raised for the rest of his life. Jesus loves to do creative things such as drawing, writing stories, writing songs, and editing videos and plays soccer as a hobby.

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