Michael | Teen Ink


August 28, 2020
By Emily-marie BRONZE, Logan, Utah
Emily-marie BRONZE, Logan, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh my dear Michael, let it not be true.

You’re leaving forever, please come back soon.

You yell, and we fight, and I turn so blue.

And yet I love you from here to the moon.

Come back to me please. This just isn’t fair.

You’re ready to leave. I don’t understand.

You act so aloof, but I know you still care.

I pray for you always- our love could be grand.

Wear my bracelet like your heart on your sleeve.

You’ll never know how much you mean to me.

The last thing I want is for you to leave,

But if that’s what you want, go off, you’re free.

Oh my dear Michael, let it not be true.

At least now you know how much I’ll miss you. 

The author's comments:

I knew I wanted to write a sonnet, but nothing felt natural to me. Once I started writing about the subject of the poem, Michael, the words flowed through my fingers in perfect harmony. I was simply inspired by a person in my life and what they mean to me. 

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