In the Dark | Teen Ink

In the Dark

February 25, 2021
By gunnh23 BRONZE, Darien, Connecticut
gunnh23 BRONZE, Darien, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The night, I say, is better than the day.

The moon and stars will give a calming sense

when solitude can give my mind leeway

to ponder, as silence is never tense.

Memories will swirl like a black hole. 

Sometimes circling behind my bemused eyes, 

putting suppressed memories on parole

like a flame that dances before it dies.

When solitude becomes isolation,

A hushed ring bridges me to my person 

Whispers over a bizarre fixation

with childish awe lit up like mass arson.

I will always find solace in the dark,

as from the harsh day may I disembark.

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