Angel Baby | Teen Ink

Angel Baby

February 3, 2023
By kaylefusina BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
kaylefusina BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have a brother,

a face I will never see. 

But I know he'll always be with me,

in my heart, in my soul,

I know he was stole from me, 

we all can disagree,

but I know he'll always watch over me. 

He's in the sky running free,

him and Zena are being playfully.

He throws her ball. 

and I know it's meant to be.

Some may judge but I don't care.

I will always love my angel baby.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my brother that passed away during birth when I was seven years old. I also included my dog Zena that passed away a year after he did.  I get judged a lot for what happened and this is my way to explain it without people judging me.

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