The New Year | Teen Ink

The New Year

February 15, 2023
By Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the beginning of the new year

and the end of the last year.

Hopefully bringing good tidings,

and not weather breaking through sidings.

People’s wishes become fulfilled,

all the windows get chilled.

In some parts of the world,

people’s opinions are more furled.

Some take the occasion extremely thoroughly,

while others celebrate narrowly.

Though most people at least do something,

only a few decide to fling.

Either way it's a magical time,

and during the day, everyone lymes.

Fireworks are deployed,

explosions in the endless void.

From the Spaniards to the Turks,

millions taking a break from their work.

And it all ends with the countdown,

when the clock till New Year’s counts back down.

The author's comments:

This was written for 2023.

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