Braveheart | Teen Ink


April 11, 2023
By Allen_writesomething BRONZE, 深圳, Other
Allen_writesomething BRONZE, 深圳, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In this fast-moving world, we all step forth

In different rhythms, yet same struggles pave

Our way towards dreams, with hearts blazing north

And the pursuit of excellence our brave.


Our hearts beat hot with passion, life shines bright

Even in its mundanity, it's clear

Love gives us courage to fearlessly fight

Mountains and oceans, we shall never fear.


Our original heart, we never forget

The brave spirit within us takes its flight

Creating beauty, and trusting in what's yet

To come, believing in miracles' might.


With sincerity, we face life's feature,

And be our best, to change the world's culture.

The author's comments:

As I prepare for university applications, I am constantly plagued by doubt and uncertainty about the future. The pressure to succeed is ever-present, and it is easy to become overwhelmed by the fear of failure. However, reading the novel Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover has given me a renewed sense of hope and inspiration.


Despite facing incredible adversity and obstacles, Tara remained true to her values and pursued her dreams with unwavering determination. Her story has reminded me that anything is possible with hard work, perseverance, and a strong sense of purpose. We can overcome obstacles and make a difference in the world by staying committed to our dreams and values. The book's message of bravery, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence has given me renewed optimism for the future. As a result, I am more determined than ever to work hard, stay focused, and become the best version of myself.

The poem follows the Sonnet format --

and here is my elaborated commentary on my poem:


The poem presented at the beginning of this conversation reflects on the themes of perseverance and self-discovery that are central to Educated: A Memoir. Tara Westover's determination to stay true to her own values and pursue education despite the opposition she faces from her family and community is a clear example of the poem's message to "be our best, to change the world's culture."


In Chapter 15 of the book, Tara recognizes that staying true to her pursuit of education is a way to preserve her autonomy, stating, "I could choose what I wanted to believe. I could choose what I wanted to become." This echoes the poem's line,"Our original heart, we never forget / The brave spirit within us takes its flight,"highlighting the importance of staying true to oneself and following one's dreams with passion and conviction. In Chapter 28, Tara's determination to push herself beyond her limits and be the best she can be reflects the poem's message to "create beauty, and trusting in what's yet to come, believing in miracles' might."


Ultimately, the poem and the memoir emphasize the importance of perseverance, courage, and dedication in pursuing one's dreams and creating a life of purpose and meaning.

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