A Lovers' Waltz | Teen Ink

A Lovers' Waltz

April 22, 2012
By Glax44 BRONZE, Urbana, Maryland
Glax44 BRONZE, Urbana, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved. i can live only wholly with you, or not at all."
-Ludwig Beethoven

Your voice plays a melody that sings to me.
In tune, I hear you; body, mind, and soul,
Your composition only I can see.
The rich tones sink in and make me feel whole .
Your eyes, alight, dance to our lover’s waltz,
Brown sways and melts into love’s deep blue.
Never to trade a dance and kill this pulse,
All night, past dawn, though time without adieu.
Your touch is warmth and sun on winter skin.
You melt my frigid ice and blush me hot,
Blood burns ‘neath skin; once thick, now thin.
You leave me breathless; love: my only thought.

You hold my heart, my thoughts, my wishes, my dove;
You drive my pulse, my breath, my will, my love.

The author's comments:
I hope people understand the feeling of having their first true love as I did. I want readers to feel what I felt when I met the person who I can't live without; to understand and live it for themselves.

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