A Numbing Winter | Teen Ink

A Numbing Winter

November 30, 2012
By C-Mac BRONZE, Hillsboro, North Dakota
C-Mac BRONZE, Hillsboro, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I intend to live forever. So far, so good"

Falling into the snow desperately
Frostbitten, my cares numb away
I will forever wait her return eagerly
My heart sinking like a wintery bouquet

If I can ever love again, none can tell
To her my heart has always been true
My whole being, every blood cell
My veins turning to an icy blue

Shivering in the dark moonlight
My mind ponders the thought of her
There’s no time to set my thinking right
My senses escape, my vision a blur

If she ever returns, who will ever say?
For winter has taken my love so many miles away

The author's comments:
A sad wintery sonnet, written with a Shakespearian rhyme scheme

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