the wolf | Teen Ink

the wolf

May 11, 2013
By chelseamae1234 BRONZE, Bombay, New York
chelseamae1234 BRONZE, Bombay, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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sorry busy writing

his eyes are as blue as the morning skies,
his fur us so black it is easy to hide,
he is waiting for darkness as he lies,
as the rises up his eyes shine so wide.

beware he loves to draw blood when he bites,
he watches you from a distance away,
he hunts his enemies in the beautiful night,
if you dont watch out he will make you fey.

when the moon is full he is out to play,
he runs to a high hill so he can howl,
he stays out all night before the next day,
before the night is over he starts to prowl.

so beware when you are out and about,
because he will get you without any doubt.

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