Boston Celtics | Teen Ink

Boston Celtics

June 10, 2013
By Hamza Elboudali BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
Hamza Elboudali BRONZE, Hooksett, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Boston Celtics, experienced a lot

Thanks to Doc Rivers the players are taught.

Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, and Scoring

That awesome moment when Pierce hits a three!

Even if they lose they’re never boring

Rajon Rondo makes many awesome plays.

Avery Bradley: Sticky Defender

Amazing at defense every day

Rondo behind the back to Green; what a dish!

Jeff Green with the ball, fade away shot: SWISH!

Boston crowd equals pandemonium

When I’m watching the game I feel very keen

It is as loud as one hundred harmoniums

But this year it’s all about banner 18.

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