Keep the peace | Teen Ink

Keep the peace

December 14, 2013
By Miguelpoetry55 BRONZE, New York, New York
Miguelpoetry55 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no problem that last forever.

Let the violence rest to sleep
Down should go the hand of a violent man.
Violence comes like Poisonous death that follow the street.
No safety violence follows the store of a businessman.

Let it rest let it rest til the tears stop.
A family suffers from the violence that kills.

Pepople ask for the violence to drop.
People ask, but wil the violence clears?

But should the violence grow? Yes but into love.
Brothers and sister that we are.
Violence should drop and let the peace rise above.
The peacefull non violent people are superstars.

Lets beat the violence and keep the peace.
Lets get the violence like paper and shred it into pices.

The author's comments:
I promise an English teacher in nine grade name Lacey and she also was the one that introduced me to this website if it wasn't because of her I would have not post.

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