Life in a Collage | Teen Ink

Life in a Collage

January 23, 2014
By CalvinLawson BRONZE, ALexandria, Virginia
CalvinLawson BRONZE, ALexandria, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees”
― Emiliano Zapata

Each picture tells a different story,
All seven sum up our short life together.
Reminding me of all of his glory,
Taken like wind carrying a feather.
Every day I glance between those frames,
And know how quickly things can be taken.
I would give anything to play those games,
Without ever having to awaken.
Spend one more day in those times,
Depicted by the pictures above my head.
I would even commit the worst of crimes
To be with him when his last words were said.
For his family he would have given his all,
But now he is simply pictures on the wall.

The author's comments:
. Several weeks ago, as a junior in high school, my English teacher assigned us an assignment. We were directed to find a piece of art/picture that spoke to us. I chose a collage of photos of my father, who passed away when I was younger, that I keep above my desk. The words just began to come to me and this is my product.

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