Temptations | Teen Ink


November 29, 2014
By kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
kHan4 SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The thing I love most is invisible

Only it's always there, in the open

The thoughts of this are very unthinkable

All around me the things sit unspoken

The trees cans break unlike the heartless one

The sun will shine light upon tomorrow

Before the light shines the darkness has won

Winds make the silent night cry of sorrow

The darkness awaits me to be my guide

But there sits a light shining a bright white

My perfect world is not trying to hide

Our temptations are a strong urge to fight

I turn away from what had once tricked me

And I sprint toward my bright love waiting for me

The author's comments:

This sonnet is about the temptation of the devil and how God shows you he will always take you back.

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