Pianos | Teen Ink


February 3, 2015
By MegaMeg28 BRONZE, Vilonia, Arkansas
MegaMeg28 BRONZE, Vilonia, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are all grand pianos in the rain.

All suffering yet truly elegant,
We play beautiful music through the pain;
Yet, we perish because we’re delicate.

Eventually we become rotten;
Our colors fade and our wood is chipped.
Slowly but surely, we are forgotten,
we lose the refinement we once gripped.

But we aren’t totally destroyed yet;
We can be pieced back together once more.
It takes a lot of time and a lot of sweat,
to make the piano play as before.
Nothing in this world can be wholly lost,
but replacing the pieces has a cost.

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