A King's View | Teen Ink

A King's View

October 18, 2015
By Gabriel Petrov BRONZE, Sofia, Other
Gabriel Petrov BRONZE, Sofia, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m hanging on, in pain, but tight,
Hugging the cliff, unstable,
The peak, my goal, within sight,
Yet I stay in the mountain’s cradle.

They are truly dragging me down,
F***, they are so damn heavy,
Even razor wind cannot drown,
Their crowded voices, so many.

Should I simply, just let go?
Let the voices just engulf me?
And watch my goal from below,
Oh, how simple that would be.

With Hell below and sky above, I grasp the mountain’s top,
And with ease I can tell you, I’m so damn glad I did not drop.

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