The Sun and the Moon | Teen Ink

The Sun and the Moon

November 11, 2015
By AylaRoberts BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
AylaRoberts BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When the sun met the moon,
it was love at first sight.
When the moon met the sun,
she was blinded by his light.
The sun spent his days staring at the moon's glory,
while the moon spent her nights remembering a story.
This story was told throughout time and time again,
It said that everyone loves something that hurts them.
For the moon, this was the sun and his light.
For the sun, it was the moon and her ice.
These two were so deeply in love, but they could never touch
Though the sun longed to have the moon in his tender clutch.
These two must live forever in love, but alone,
The brave ball of fire, and his timid little stone.

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