The Storm | Teen Ink

The Storm

May 15, 2016
By AllyLeeR BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
AllyLeeR BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The clouds are looming o’er the earth with threats
Of striking those who wallow in their path.
All of the earth below them gets a bath
While many people are full of regrets
For not possessing very good mindsets,
And for this they receive the storm’s bad wrath.
The storm goes on, and in the aftermath
Those who have given up are now upset.

For now the clouds have parted far away
And the people who have kept up their heads
Are moving on and working through the day.
Instead of giving up, sleeping in beds
They are awake, feeling every sun’s ray -
And with each good action, happiness spreads.

The author's comments:

Allyson is currently a senior in high school, graduating at the end of May, 2016.  In her free time, Allyson likes to read, write, create art, and spend time with friends and family.  She enjoys writing creatively and for fun, including stories, novels, and poems.  Allyson has written a novel during National Novel Writing Month, or the month of November, 2015, and is planning on writing another novel in the summer of 2016.

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