The Green Light, The New Start. | Teen Ink

The Green Light, The New Start.

March 25, 2023
By Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
Zoie0518 SILVER, Jinan, Other
9 articles 11 photos 0 comments

It was a turbulent era in the 1920s in the United States. Exactly what made Gatsby so special? Instead than focusing on material success or notoriety, he succeeded because he never lost sight of the original goal. Gatsby, the son of western farmers, works tirelessly to realize the American dream. And he fell for Daisy, a privileged young lady. However, she and Tom eventually tied the knot. So he uprooted to the west coast and started throwing parties constantly to catch her eye. There he was, in the middle of a thousand people, staring at the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He's had so many parties, you can always count on Dasiy to show up.
Gatsby was drawn to Daisy in part because of her superior air. The incredible thing, though, is how hard Gatsby worked for a dream that was doomed to fail. At first, he just stared at the green light on the pier, which stood for optimism. Even though the light was hardly perceptible, he was holding on to every last chance he could. As the plot progressed, though, the green light came to symbolize a dream that was larger than hope. To the noble class's side, the lighthouse was home. They have progressed through the generations by working hard. They were separated from Gatsby by the lighthouse. Gatsby believed that if he got wealthy and respected by his peers, he would eventually be accepted as one of them. The facts, however, showed that he was incorrect. The sound of gunfire snuffed out the green light, and with it, his hopes and efforts. Unfortunately, he couldn't pursue his American dream any longer. Perhaps there was yet a glimmer of hope, a green light that signaled his willingness to welcome a fresh start.
The sadness of The Great Gatsby is ever present. Many people give up everything important to them in pursuit of these illusory longings.
Gatsby, on the other hand, is unyielding. It didn't come our way then, but tomorrow we'll be ready with faster feet and longer reaches. The next day, we fought like rowers against the river, being dragged backwards into the past. As a result, he continued to struggle, "boats against the current," being dragged backwards into the past.
There is still a green light on the opposite side, but at this distance, it is difficult to pinpoint its specific location.

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