The Fallen by Paul Langan | Teen Ink

The Fallen by Paul Langan

January 8, 2013
By Anonymous

The fallen is based on a true story. It’s about how young teens struggle, and get themselves in situations that they wish they didn’t get into. I like this book because it’s interesting to know all these things really happened to these teens. The setting of this book is in a ghetto, with criminals, thieves, rapist, prostitutes, and many other harmful things. The point of view of the story is a young teen named Martin. The protagonist is other boys in the hood, Martin, Teresa, and Vicky. It seems like the characters always seem, angry, depressed, mad, sad, and even frighten. Many people get shot; killed, robbed, raped, and etc. this is also a fiction book!
To me this story is really good. It’s realistic and interesting. I just think maybe the author could have explained why the boys in the hood were so mean and violent. I actually think this writing of the book is powerful and it affects a lot of people out in the world. But I really like this book, so I would recommend others to read it.
I was impressed that someone would actually write a book like this and publish it out in the open world. I would want my reader to think it was a good book, and that it was very interesting to them and also dynamic. This story really explains what I’ve been through in my life and what I’ve experienced. So it really touches me, and I hope someday it will touch you.

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