Enders Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

November 21, 2013
By DallasJ Duarte BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
DallasJ Duarte BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card was a very good book and movie. I think that the movie was way better that the book because I rather watch a movie than read a book. The book was very good but it was shorter than the book. I wanted it to be as long as the book because it had some good details to include.
The setting in the movie was in Battle School where the children are to learn how to fight and protect. They challenge other kids in order to get better or higher ranked. Ender becomes smarter in battle school because he learns more techniques and more from other kids. He catches on very fast. Ender is very different than other kids, he was made to be a leader because he’s smart, tough,, takes charge, and isn’t scared of doing anything.

Bonzo is in charge of the Salamander Army and Ender gets promoted to Dragon Army. Everyone knows that Ender is a better leader than Bonzo but they still take Bonzo?s orders. Ender out beats Bonzo in a challenge and Bonzo tells Ender to keep it to himself so he can keep up his reputation. Ender meets friends along the way such as Petra, Bean, and Alai. Along the way, Petra helps Ender with his fighting techniques even though she is a Salamander and he is a Dragon. Bonzo gets mad about them practicing together and Bonzo threatens Ender to fight but Ender says “No, Ill just pretend that you taught me a lesson and ill away.”
Ender is a third, which mean that his parents needed special permission for him to be alive, and he is suppose to be the one who is a leader and save the human race. He is also scared of cracking because he doesn’t want to disappoint people and especially his family. His brother didn’t make it so he wants to make sure that he is way better than him. Cornel Graff, Major Anderson, and Major Rackham are putting pressure against him.
Once Ender got his monitor taken out, Stilson and his friends started picking on him. Ender kills Stilson in a fight and he keeps kicking him hoping that he wouldn’t have to fight anyone anymore. Ender finds out that getting his monitor removed was a good thing and starts to feel better about his self. On the way to Battle School, he jumps in the rocket and is the last one and suddenly becomes hated for being smart. As the kids get to know Ender, they warm up to him and doesn’t think he’s so bad after all.
Ender ends up being there leader and saves the human race. Major Anderson and Major Rackham lies to Ender by saying that it’s a warm up but it’s actually the real battle. But when he wins the battle, he finds out that he put his real army and real people through death and feels really bad for putting them through danger.

I liked reading the book because there were a lot of exciting events such as fighting. Although, the book and the movie were different because in the movie, Ender and Stilson fight in the classroom but in the book, they fight on the field. The book was still more excited because they put much more details by using onomatopia and using better vocabulary.
All together, you should really read the book before watching the movie because you’ll understand it much better. Even though the movie leaves out some details, the movie is very good with actors and it hooks you. It involves a lot of lifelike parts like the battle room, tech classrooms. The book makes you think as if you were Ender. To me, I think that you should read and watch the movies because it is both very exciting and book.

The author's comments:
This piece has a lot of shooting and battles which I love.

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