Big Fish | Teen Ink

Big Fish

November 11, 2019
By gracepappalardo BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
gracepappalardo BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Big Fish is a movie providing a rollercoaster of emotions. This movie shows us how much we need to appreciate the little things our parents give us before it’s too late. It’s a moving story about a father-son relationship with interesting metaphors and storytelling making it a must see movie for everyone. 

   Timothy Burton has done a brilliant job directing this film. He provides a lot of powerful messages for movie watchers to understand. He also did an amazing job casting for this moving including: Daniel Wallace, Ewan McGregor, Steve Buscemi, and finally Danny Devito. I loved watching this cast act together. They were enjoyable and pleasing to watch, while also being very hilarious. This cast provided witty comments that had me laughing out loud. 

   Endward Bloom, the father of Willian, told many interesting stories. When Bloom was younger he encountered a witch that told him how he was going to die. Bloom tries his best to live his life to the fullest by storytelling. So he told this story about the witch along with many others. Some of his stories sounded so bizarre that people didn’t believe him, even his own son. After watching his son get married, their relationship becomes strained when William finally, after years of listening, stands up on how he feels towards his father's overly, exaggerated stories. We get introduced to many different characters that pop up in many of  Bloom’s stories. He introduces us to one of his good friends who was a giant, literally. He tells William’s wife about the journey he took with his friend the giant. He also talks about another friend of his. On his deathbed, Edward continued to tell amplified stories of how he met his wife and what their wedding was like to William’s wife. As William listens in to many of these stories he starts to realize who his father is and why he tells stories the way he does. Will understands that his father only did it to make him happy and to give him a childhood full of adventures. 

   Throughout the movie William learns the value of having a relationship with his father. In the three years that they didn’t talk, Will missed out on some part of his father’s life. He lost moments he’d never be able to get back now that his father isn’t well. In his father's last few moments Will realized how much he cherished all the stories his father told and that even if they were not believable they brought the two of them close together. 

   I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a family fun, moving comedy. This movie had my emotions flying between cheerful and sad all at once. Families of any kind would enjoy this type of movie. It’s a good choice to add to your list on any kind of movie night. Big Fish was full of many heartfelt moments that everyone would love. 

The author's comments:

Dear Editors, 

I would like you to consider my movie review for “Big Fish,” Rated PG-13, 2h 5m. 

I love family fun movies, and this one was one of the best I’ve seen! Aside from movies, I love spending time with my family. I am a junior, and my favorite class is anatomy. 

This is a simultaneous submission. 

Thank you, 


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