Review on "The Little Things" Featuring Denzel Washington | Teen Ink

Review on "The Little Things" Featuring Denzel Washington

April 26, 2024
By bcarp17 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
bcarp17 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found myself the other night scrolling through Netflix looking for a movie that was intriguing and suspenseful. I eventually found this movie called The Little Things, this movie is based on a true story that takes place in Los Angeles in the time period of the 80’s. 

In this film they star many amazing actors like Denzel Washington who plays the part of Joe Deecan, a cop, Rami Malek who plays Jim Baxter a detective, and many other actors. Both actors played their roles great and really brought a suspenseful and meaningful tone to the acting. The movie hosts many suspenseful crime solving scenes that are very interesting to the viewers.


This Movie is about the Night Stalker in Los Angeles in the 1980’s. The Night stalker was a psychopath who would kidnap women mostly 20-30's, kill them, take their clothes off and leave them somewhere random. In this movie Denzel Washington who plays the role of Joe Deecan was called in by the chief of police to come help out Jim Baxter solve these cases. 

This movie will make you binge and not want to leave the couch. Grab some popcorn, grab your favorite beverage and sit down and get ready for a suspenseful mystery film. 

Things I didn't like about this film, was the overly exaggeration of showing the dead victims that are naked. I just feel like it is a little over the top and maybe not needed after every death scene. But it does give viewers an idea of the horrific deaths that took place back in the 80’s and also shows the point of view of Joe Deccan and how he thinks through the cases. 

This movie is a must watch, it has action, suspense and horror. if you're looking for an eyes locked in, can’t move from your seat, thriller this is the movie for you.

The author's comments:

This movie is a review of the movie "The Little Things" I explain my opinion on the movie and that people should tune in and watch the movie.

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