SweetSorrow12 | Teen Ink


Chicago Heights, Illinois
Member for 10 years


A few random things is
i love metal punk rock r&b
and ever genre of music their is
Favorite movies are horror
Favorite band is fallout boy
Favorite food chicken chinese and mexican
Favorite animal wolves

Books: Wintergirls, Go Ask Alice, Girl Interrupted, Number The Stars
Music: Capital Punishment, The Dio Years, Sticks And Stones, The Eminem Show
Movies: 8 Mile, Silver Bullet, Friday, Barbershop
TV Shows: Dont Trust Andrew Mayne, Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, South Park
Interests: Listening To Music, Watching Horror Movies, Reading, Walking around with friends

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

By SweetSorrow12 GOLD
Chicago Heights, Illinois
SweetSorrow12 GOLD, Chicago Heights, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maya Angelou:
My great hope is to laugh
As much as i cry to get
My work done and try to
Love somebody and have
The courage to accept the
Love in return

Hot Topics
By Wontgiveup17 PLATINUM
Bloomington, Illinois
Wontgiveup17 PLATINUM, Bloomington, Illinois
23 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life beats down and crushes the soul but art reminds you that you have one. -Stella Adler
He who lives upon hope will die fasting.
-Benjamin Franklin
If you're absent during my struggle. Don't expect to be present during my success.